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Month: June 2014

Sunday Stroll

sunday stroll in f-k

This past Sunday marked the beginning of a strange week of weather, with temperate temperature but lots of clouds that could block out the sunlight for a few minutes or surprise us with a short shower of sprinkles before moving on again. In the winter, it’s all gloom and doom, but when we get overcast days in the summer, I really love the natural light and think it’s rather conducive for great pictures. So when we went out on our walk, I made sure to snap a few, as I couldn’t help but admire the same buildings and streets I always see in a new light.

sunday stroll in f-k

sunday stroll in f-k

sunday stroll in f-k

sunday stroll in f-k

sunday stroll in f-k

sunday stroll in f-k

sunday stroll in f-k

sunday stroll in f-k

sunday stroll in f-k

sunday stroll in f-k

sunday stroll in f-k

sunday stroll in f-k