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Month: December 2015

Weekend Update #48


This past weekend was a (self-imposed) stressful one, because I’m on a work deadline of sorts, so all day Saturday and all day Sunday were dedicated to a final read-through of a book I’m editing. This meant no sleeping in and no hanging out with my dudes. Add to that the fact that our Internet went out at 4am Saturday, with our provider telling us it could be gone until Monday, and you have all the makings of a bummer day. But luckily I could camp out in the kitchen and use my mother-in-law’s Internet (she lives across the courtyard from us) until ours eventually came back. And of course, being stressed out aside, I like the work, so it wasn’t the worst thing. So I powered through the day with breaks here and there between chapters until it came time to head over to a friend’s place for Thanksgiving, where I was able to have a glass of wine and some tasty food and relax a bit.


Sunday was more of the same, with me working all day until I couldn’t stand looking at a computer screen any longer. That evening I got some time in the kitchen so I made a vegetable soup (which also was enough for lunch twice this week), and we got to light our advent wreath! The past couple years I have been sort of laid back about Christmas, because even though I love it, I haven’t really felt like getting too into it since I assume the cats will just destroy all the decorations, etc. But now that I have a kid, I am stoked on making it memorable and magical for him for years to come (even if he won’t remember a thing about it the first few years).

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