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Tag: Berlin

Weekend Update #44


If I’m being honest, we’ve been going through a rough patch this past month or so. You know when you are just so busy and overwhelmed that you hardly have any time to stop and breathe, so it’s just survival mode? That’s sort of what it feels like. We are working and taking care of B. and trying to get enough sleep and giving ourselves room to relax when we can and it is exhausting. It’s only temporary though, and I’m particularly looking forward to December when I am done with my current projects and M. is on vacation and we can just enjoy being a family. In the meantime, we’re still finding fun where we can. And after working on and off all day Saturday, we went out in the afternoon to catch the last bit of sunshine. Our walk took us to a pizza place (don’t mind if we do), and then we checked out the new bouldering place nearby, and then we wandered to a few different shops in search of chives (exciting, I know). Oh, and B. was a tiger for his first Halloween.


Sunday I did more work, and we Skyped with my parents, and I spent a good amount of time reading (currently it’s “Paper Towns”). We also had a late lunch / early dinner of vegan duck, peas, and potatoes, which is perfect comfort food for this kind of weather. But since the soreness from my Rückbildungskurs started to really kick in, we decided to stay inside… What did you do this past weekend?