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Tag: Life & Times

When Sickness Strikes…

Sickness has struck our household once again, and this translates to sleeping in, eating lots of fruit, and drinking lots of water and tea. There is plenty of boredom but we have found some ways around it. A few of these remedies include: watching the first season of House of Cards, drinking the occasional hot toddy, and reading. I just finished Eugenides’ The Virgin Suicides and since a discussion of Cornelia Funke’s Tintenherz trilogy in my German class sparked my interest, we procured an English translation to read.

And although we are pretty much stuck inside, it doesn’t hurt to dream about when we feel well again and can venture out once more. For now, here are some pictures of a walk along the Bergmannstraße area last week, when there was still snow on the ground.

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

out and about in kreuzberg

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