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Tag: Seasons

Hello, Autumn.

It’s the first day of my favourite season; whether you call it fall, autumn, herbst, or something else, I love it. Some highlights for me are: sunny yet cold days (aka hoodie weather), pumpkins, warm beverages, thick socks, bringing out the scarves and mittens, a barrage of holidays, drawing hot baths, and using the weather as a perfectly acceptable excuse to stay home and read under the blankets as opposed to going out and being social.

Interestingly enough, my musical tastes tend to change with the seasons. For example, pretty acoustic music is more of winter thing for me. I just can’t mellow out when the sun is shining and there is tons to do. But when I have the tendency to be more reclusive, my music gets stripped down and slowed down along with me.

We’re not yet in the months of unbearable cold here in Berlin, so my musical tastes right now reflect that of the weather: chill. That said, I made a mix to herald the season’s arrival, consisting of 60 minutes of “chillwave” music. It’s a good soundtrack for wandering around outside in this weather, which I did this morning.

See the track listing for all you’ve wanted will work out fine, and give it a download here.

In the meantime, here are some photos I took of my late morning walk. It’s not quite autumn-y in the city, but it was still a sleepy morning. Considering I live in a part of the city that is not the tourist haven but still popular with visitors, it was lovely to walk down the streets at noon and see no one else except the shopkeepers opening up, the neighbors buying groceries, and the local drunks hanging out on park benches and on street corners, drinking.

deutsch, bitte!

deutsch, bitte!

deutsch, bitte!

deutsch, bitte!

deutsch, bitte!

deutsch, bitte!

deutsch, bitte!

deutsch, bitte!

deutsch, bitte!

deutsch, bitte!

deutsch, bitte!

deutsch, bitte!

deutsch, bitte!

deutsch, bitte!

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