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Tag: Street Food

Dining Out: Chi Chu.

Vietnamese food is hardly my forte, but since living in Berlin, I have started eating quite a bit of it. My standard fare (particularly as the days get colder) is pho, and M. and I regularly (at least one a week) go to the Asian hole-in-the-wall around the corner to eat some.

A couple weeks ago, I found myself at another Vietnamese restaurant, Chi Chu, dining with T&T and the little dude, N. It is supposedly a “street food” inspired restaurant, although the interior is a bit more upscale than that label made me expect.

And although plenty on the menu looked good, it was cold, so I opted to try the pho there.

The verdict: a bit fancier but pretty good. The tofu is a different consistency, and they include a lot of vegetables and spices already in the soup, as opposed to on the side. I think I still like the stuff by us a bit better, because it’s not as elaborate but sticks to the basics. Plus, there is plenty of Sriracha and soy sauce at arm’s length so that I can throw it into my soup. But even so, the other dishes looked fresh and had great presentation, and the vegetarian spring roll that N. gave me was pretty great.

Of course the best part is that Chi Chu is just down the street from Tanne B, so in spite of the weather, we headed down to the corner post-dinner for some ice cream. No complaints here.

chi chu

chi chu

chi chu

chi chu

chi chu

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