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Tag: Winter

Winter Walk.

Hard to believe that January is almost over, but it is. However, this weekend has been lovely thus far, particularly since M. returned from a business trip in the UK on Friday evening and doesn’t work until Tuesday. Meanwhile, my scheduled work doesn’t begin until February, so we have enjoyed this free time together. Thus far our weekend has consisted of making and eating delicious food, hanging out in bed talking and chilling with the cats or watching movies, and being generally lazy.

Today however, we both wanted to get out. In spite of temperatures hovering around -6 the past few days, today was a surprise, with a high of 2. Granted, it didn’t feel like that, but anyway. We also know that warmer weather is coming this week, and although it could be a fluke, it could just as easily be the last bit of snow this winter. One never really knows with Berlin.

We decided to take a walk before it got dark; other people had the same idea, and even though it was snowing pretty heavily, lots of folks were out for a walk with their dogs, or pulling their kids on sleds, or fitting in a run. With no real game plan, we just kind of wandered, calling the shots as we went. We live in an area of Kreuzberg that is uniquely positioned between three surrounding districts. On one side, we have the Spree River, with Friedrichshain across the water. The canal, known in this part as Görlitzer Ufer, runs behind us, separating our area from Treptow. We followed that down to where it branches off into Paul-Lincke-Ufer (opposite Maybachufer), which is a canal that separates Kreuzberg from the district of Neukölln. All in all, we covered a lot of ground during our walk.

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk

winter walk