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Month: December 2015

Weekend Update #50


This past weekend was a good one, and now we are back to a perpetual weekend, as M. is off work for a month. I also wrapped up another book project, and am pretty much not working for at least a good month—which is good, because I have so many other things I need to accomplish in the meantime (see: taking advantage of having M. home as much as I can). So Saturday we headed out to RAW, where we came upon a handful of Christmas markets. Our destination, however, was The Green Market, which we successfully ate our way through, enjoying pierogi, flammkuchen, cupcakes, coffee, and doughnuts—all vegan. After a few hours there, it began to get dark so we started to head home, stopping to get some groceries on the way. It was cold and the rain came back that night, so we enjoyed homemade pumpkin soup for dinner.


The following day was gray and rainy, which made it easy for us to sleep in a bit. As to what we actually did during the day, I can’t say. Laundry? Hanging with the kid? Reading in bed? I think that’s what we did. The fact that I can’t remember clearly is a good indication that we were relaxed, regardless of what we did or didn’t do. Though I do remember an awesome salad for dinner (we always have the same thing: a romaine lettuce mixture with onions, avocado, and potatoes, topped with a homemade vinaigrette and served with Turkish Pide). And now it’s only two days later (two days which had their fair share of errand running) but I keep thinking it’s the weekend and realizing it’s not, and that’s a wonderful wonderful feeling.

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