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Tag: Black Pepper

Appetite For Reduction: Everyday Chickpea-Quinoa Salad & Balsamic Vinaigrette

cooking & baking

Like the name suggests, the Everyday Chickpea-Quinoa Salad (page 16) is a meal that I could eat just about every day –  or at least once a week. It is especially good on warmer days when you want to eat something that isn’t too hot or doesn’t require too much effort to make. Also, the fact that it includes two of my favorite foods – chickpeas and quinoa – doesn’t hurt. The only substitution I made is using regular mustard as opposed to Dijon with the Balsamic Vinaigrette (page 17), but I don’t think it’s that major of a change to make much of a difference. Definitely a staple in my recipe rotation.

Made: April 11, 2013

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