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Category: Eat & Drink

Recipe Roundup #17

cooking & baking
Marinara Stuffed Roasted Eggplant from My California Roots
In my effort to get away from relying on bread in every meal, I figured a “pizza-like” recipe with an eggplant base would be good, and this definitely was tasty, though it maybe tasted less like pizza and more like… eggplant. Luckily, I like eggplant. The spice in it was great, and the walnut/nutritional yeast/bread crumbs were innovative. When making this again, I would opt to use thin eggplant (the thick ones just didn’t taste as good) and more of the “cheese” topping, but otherwise, they were awesome (and easy to make).

cooking & baking
Sweet Potato Pierogi from My Veg Life
I love sweet potatoes, and I wanted a new recipe idea using them, since I feel like I’m always putting them in smoothies or making fries… this one was super delicious. It was definitely time consuming though, as pierogi tend to be, which is probably why I only make them about twice a year. In the future I would possibly double the recipe to make the recipe more worthwhile. However, the dough was great (not too sticky) and the insides sweet and savory.