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deutsch, bitte! Posts

24 of 24.

For nearly a decade (with a couple of missed years here and there), I made a list of my top 10 albums of the year. And then in 2020 I stopped. Hmm, I wonder what else happened in 2020 that took up all my free time and turned my world upside-down.

Oh, right.

I’ve still been listening to music, but to be honest, I haven’t felt like making lists. And fitting albums into a neat little list of 10 is never easy. Like how in 2023, I basically listened to Tiny Moving Parts, Hot Mulligan, and Mom Jeans non-stop, and only two of those three albums on regular rotation even came out that year. However, if I’m being honest, I do have half-written notes on my phone that list my top albums of the year in 2020 through 2023; I just never finished them.

Well, this year that changes. Sort of. Once again, there are a few standout albums that I am in love with. “To Figure Out” by Shoreline is number one. I was skeptical about it, at first; a couple of my music pals from the internets who also live(d) in Germany and whose music taste I trust had raved about it. I finally gave it a chance, and I fell in love with it. And then I went to see them live in the first half of the year, which was awesome!

There are a couple other albums I also just love dearly, like “Evergreen” by Soccer Mommy (who I am going to see live in May). And so forth and so on. And there are plenty of other albums that were fantastic — not like every song is a banger, but like 80 percent of them I love. So I figured, why narrow it down to 10 albums? Why not 24 albums for 2024?

Why not indeed. So, without further ado (and no, I am not writing up each of these, ’cause ya girl has not got time for that — just go listen to them and see), my 24 albums of 2024.

For lists from past years, check out 2019, 20182017, 20162015, 2014, 2011, and 2010.

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