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Category: Here & There

Along Puschkinallee.

Once or twice a month, when I need to take care of some shopping at the Park Center, I take this route down Puschkinallee. For the past few months, it has been cold and/or snowy, so I have taken the bus, but as the temperatures creep above zero, I find that I am back to walking it. Here is one afternoon in late February.

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee

along puschkinallee