Of all the salads in this book, the Sanctuary Chef Salad (page 28) with Sanctuary Dressing (page 29) is hands-down the most complex and time-consuming. This is not simply because it requires so many ingredients, but also because those ingredients are recipes of their own. When you include the Herb-Roasted Cauliflower & Bread Crumbs (page 108), Eggplant Bacon (page 42), and Basic Baked Tofu (page 144), it amounts to five separate recipes, which means you should have a lot of time and patience in making this meal.
The good news is that it’s quite tasty, and there is a lot to go around, so this salad will feed you for a couple days. When I made it, I followed the recipe almost exactly, although I opted for sprouts other than sunflower sprouts, which weren’t available. Also, I mistakenly put dill in the dressing, forgetting that M. doesn’t like dill, so he wasn’t really able to enjoy the salad very well. Meanwhile, the eggplant bacon calls for liquid smoke, which I didn’t have at the time, so I made that from scratch using a recipe I found online. Otherwise, it was delicious and offered a wide variety of veggies, which is perfect for when you’re craving a healthy, tasty, and varied mix.
Made: July 5, 2013