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Tag: Spring

A Stroll around Berlin

One of the things I love about living in such a big city is that there are endless things to explore, even in my own neighborhood. These photos are from an afternoon when I walked down the Märkisches Museum, through Mitte, and back down into Kreuzberg, partially along the path of the former wall, and eventually ending up at the Turkish Market on Maybachufer. Only a few more months until it starts to get this warm again…

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin

a stroll around berlin