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Tag: Trappist

Belgian Beer.

belgische ferien

Stella Artois may have adopted a slogan proclaiming it’s the best beer, but to be honest, there are any number of Belgian beers that could claim that name. And while I do love Stella (which is one of the only Belgian beers readily available in Californian supermarkets), on my four-day whirlwind trip to Belgium this summer, my goal was to only drink new beers. Admittedly, I may have faltered on that the first night, but when adorable Belgian boys offer you unlimited free beer, you drink it. In the remaining days, I was able to taste Brugge Tripel, Gentse Tripel, Vedett, Brasserie d’Achouffe, Moinette, and Orval. If only I’d had more days in Belgium…

belgische ferien

belgische ferien

belgische ferien

belgische ferien

belgische ferien

belgische ferien