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Weekend Update #46


Remember last week, when I said I was sick but then feeling better? Oh how naive I was to think it was over. The fever came back and hit hard, and as a result, I spent all of last week in bed, subsisting on water, tea, and the BRAT diet. And finally, finally, Saturday I woke up and I didn’t feel so terrible. Seeing as it had been a week since I’d been outside, we decided that getting some fresh air was a must (especially considering it was supposed to be clear that day when all we’ve had pretty much every other day has been rain rain rain). So off we went to Azzam, which was pretty much the most perfect meal I could have had after a week of hardly eating a thing. Seriously, their hummus is the stuff hummus dreams are made of.


Later that evening I made soup (you can tell I’m feeling better when I’m back in the kitchen) and got back to reading (you can tell I’m sick when I don’t even get any reading done). Sunday was full of work, and M. did a massive cleaning while I did major editing and B. hung out with his Oma. And over the course of Saturday and Sunday we also talked a lot—about Paris, about Beirut, about the uncertainty of raising a human being in a world full of violence, evil people, environmental issues, and more… It’s difficult to remain optimistic, but it’s also important not to live life in fear.