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Weekend Update #13

instagram!I wish I had something a bit more action-packed or meaningful to report, but the above picture pretty much sums up my weekend: full of gray, snuggles, and reading. It was ultra rainy, so after I got home on Friday from visiting the doctor and the Turkish market, I didn’t leave the house once until this morning on my way to coffee with Ebe and Maddy.

Instead, we did a lot of cooking at home, had a major spring cleaning slash nesting fest, finished season three of “House of Cards,” and got our new server up and running.

I also powered through Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s “Half of a Yellow Sun” and her TED talk that was turned into a short book “We Should All Be Feminists.” I also got some mindless reading done with another Emily Giffin book, “Baby Proof” (books like hers are totally vapid, but they still serve a certain purpose when you just want to read and not have to think too hard), and I am halfway through “We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves” by Karen Joy Fowler.

And, in what is maybe a first for me in a long time, I didn’t do any work over the weekend. Though I feel like I was the ultimate recluse, I am a lot more energized for the coming week, which is a good thing. Now we just need to stick to our plan of being asleep before midnight every night…