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Tag: Appetite For Reduction

Appetite For Reduction: Forty-Clove Chickpeas & Broccoli

cooking & baking
It has only been a few months since I first acquired the Appetite For Reduction cookbook, but the recipe for Forty-Clove Chickpeas & Broccoli (page 125) has already become a standby. Why? Because it’s easy to make, it’s delicious, and the ingredients are almost always on hand. Also, it’s really good for you! The meal is a bunch of broccoli and chickpeas and garlic (not 40 cloves though – more like 10-15 in our household) – cooked in the oven and then eaten. It’s a simplistic meal but the flavor balance is just right, which is why I already make it about once a month.

Made: January 3, 2013

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