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Tag: Cleaning

Kitchen Remodel: Phase I

This evening we began the real dirty work involved in our kitchen remodel. Up until now it has been a lot of planning, taking measurements, looking through catalogues, visiting various stores, and more. And now it moves from the planning stage to reality!

As for the timeline, we ordered the kitchen in October, and it was supposed to be delivered two weeks ago, but because we were both sick for a week, everything got pushed back to give ourselves more time. Finally, this week we rented a truck to buy and transport flooring and paint. Tonight, we emptied all the dishes and food from the kitchen, and M. unattached and removed the big things, like the stove, sink, and dishwasher. He also removed the sockets and filled in the holes.

Tomorrow, T. and I will clean off and then paint the accent wall. Then comes flooring, furniture, and putting everything back in. All in all, it’s a week-long process, and we hope to be done on Saturday, or Sunday at the latest. But of course we’re just getting started…

Here are some photos from Phase I:

kitchen remodel

kitchen remodel

kitchen remodel

kitchen remodel

kitchen remodel

kitchen remodel

kitchen remodel

kitchen remodel